Radio Kiang


Kiang West is situated in the Lower River Region of The Gambia, it consists of 33 villages and home to about 16,000 local residents. The people of Kiang are generally considered economically poor but have a very rich culture, tradition and values which are the envy of the whole country. As the proud citizens of Kiang, the chastity of our culture, tradition and values are never compromised.  Kiang is one of the least densely populated regions in the Gambia and the demographical distribution of government economic and development plans tend to skew against Kiang since independence. The poor road network as major part of Kiang West is located in the hinterlands with the exception of few villages on the main Trans-Gambia Highway makes access to Kiang west pretty much challenging .

The indigenous of Kiang west from both home and away have now decided to take the responsibility of developing our beloved Kiang into our hands knowing that our mindset guarantees our success or failure in all what we do. The wind of change and patriotism has preoccupied our hearts, minds and souls, thus we have formed a formidable force to arrest, assess and address all the issues pertaining to development and total wellbeing of the people of Kiang west. Henceforth, there will be no turning back and we are ready to move heaven and earth to make that happen.

Admitting the fact that the greatest discoveries we have yet to make are not on the outside…… they lie inside our minds, we are asking ourselves the right questions and the right answers are unveiled to us which are elusive to Kiang since independence. With sheer determination, endless persistence, inspiration and everlasting supply of opportunities…. Kiang West is set for progress and prosperity.

There is no doubt that the future is brighter for Kiang west and its poor economic conditions will shift from surviving to thriving in the near future because the people are truly committed. We have enormous socio-economic development prospects but promulgating politics and political affiliation is not part of them. Our aim is to get the natives of Kiang west and our stakeholders involved and get them stay involved in pursuit of our goals.

Kiang west has been endowed with the nature’s flora and fauna, we are going to do all we can by using what we have to get what we want in Kiang and never get satisfied until we become an example in the Gambia and the entire sub-Saharan region. We have limitless human resources and nature on our side, coupled up with fully pumped up hearts of undivided love for Kiang,  there is no sky and no limit but extraordinary by design and conscious creation to make Kiang West better than ever dreamed of.

Forward Kiang and backward never…… together we can do it